News Articles

Reflecting on the Contributions of NAD Retirees Lincoln Steed and Maitland DiPinto

Steed and DiPinto retired from roles they held and shaped for more than two decades.

Maitland DiPinto, former director of NAD Hope for Humanity, and Lincoln Steed, former editor of Liberty magazine, each served the North American Division for more than two decades.

Maitland DiPinto, former director of NAD Hope for Humanity, and Lincoln Steed, former editor of Liberty magazine, each served the North American Division for more than two decades. Photo: NAD Office of  Communication

Among several retirements that were announced recently were leaders of two vital ministries of the North American Division — Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine, and Maitland DiPinto, director of Hope for Humanity.

Liberty magazine is the official publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that focuses on religious freedom, which is a core principle of the denomination. The bi-monthly magazine was founded in 1906 and is considered an invaluable inter-denominational resource in the field of religious liberty.

Hope for Humanity (HFH) is described as a relationship-building ministry that empowers members to engage with their communities and support special ministries and initiatives throughout the division. One of the main focuses of HFH is its Partners in Mission Literacy Program, which is a collaborative effort between the NAD, the Inter-American Division, Southern Asia-Pacific Division, and the Southern Asia Division. Partners in Mission is credited for helping more than 200,000 people in 13 countries obtain literacy.


Lincoln Steed worked for the denomination for more than 45 years. He began his work for the Adventist Church in 1975 as a copy editor for Review and Herald Publishing before returning to Australia, his home country. In 1985, he returned to the U.S. to work for the Pacific Press Publishing Association as the liaison editor for Sabbath School quarterlies.

“I held several jobs, some of them concurrent. I was director of editorial services, assistant vice president for editorial, head book editor, textbook editor, and then editor of Listen magazine,” said Steed.

He went on to become editor of Liberty, a position he held for 22 years.

“As Liberty editor, I strove to continue our distinctive prophetic and historic approach to the topic and to make the magazine attractive to the secular mind and readable for the less informed,” said Steed. “I have enjoyed editing Liberty, travelling far and wide to ‘proclaim liberty throughout the land.’”

“Lincoln has been a great representation of our church in the area of public affairs and religious liberty,” said Orlan Johnson, director of NAD Public Affairs and Religious Liberty. “His editorial commitment to the prophetic message was unwavering. I say to Lincoln, thank you, and ‘well done thou good and faithful servant.’”

“Lincoln’s ministry through Liberty magazine through the years has kept its readers and our church focused on one of mankind’s most fundamental rights — the right to choose whom one worships. He has been committed to and a great champion of this cause,” said G. Alexander Bryant, NAD president. “We owe him a debt of gratitude for his untiring work and razor-sharp focus to our fight for religious liberty.”


In 2000, the NAD “Ingathering” ministry became known as Hope for Humanity (HFH) to better reflect the purpose of the ministry. As director, DiPinto was instrumental in the name change and refocus of the ministry's mission. In doing so, DiPinto built up HFH’s Partners in Mission Literacy Program, which establishes and supports literacy centers around the world.

“Adult literacy was chosen as a primary focus because a significant percentage of our members and those in the communities they serve are illiterate. It is estimated that 4-5 million Adventists can’t read,” said DiPinto. “In addition, thousands of previously under-involved Adventist members have become engaged as literacy facilitators in what many of them refer to as ‘my mission for Jesus.’”

Under his additional responsibilities as HFH director, DiPinto orchestrated a partnership between all of NAD’s nine unions to “adopt” one of the major islands within the Guam-Micronesia Mission to support designated mission projects.

“I have had the privilege of being a small part of something that is making a big difference in people’s lives and that is fulfilling to me,” said DiPinto. “I do my best work when I am engaged in work that I feel passionate about. For the past 21 years I have been so blessed to have a job that fulfills my need to make a significant difference in people’s lives.”

Bonita Shields, outgoing NAD vice president for ministries, added, “The literacy program Maitland DiPinto spearheaded through Hope for Humanity will have an impact for generations. It’s easy to say, ‘Read God’s Word,” but to empower people to do so is another thing. Maitland has given his energy, his expertise, and his heart to build up the lives of God’s people. He and his work will be forever appreciated.”

Bryant remarked, “Maitland’s work with Hope for Humanity is truly a ministry of Jesus; it is what I imagine He’d do if He were walking the earth today. The countless lives transformed and impacted will only fully be known in heaven. Maitland’s legacy will be known as ministering to ‘the least of these among us.’”