Ministerial Association




Ivan L. Williams


| (443) 391 7181
Jose Cortes Jr.

Jose Cortes Jr.

Associate Director for Evangelism

| (443) 391 7179
Esther Knott

Esther R. Knott

Associate Director, Director of InMinistry

| (269) 471 6153
Desiree Bryant

Desiree Bryant

Associate Director, Ministerial Spouses

| (443) 391 7178

Our mission

Our mission is to empower the ministerial community in leading churches to reach their world for Christ.

How we serve

  • Support, collaborate, coach, and train ministerial directors and pastors
  • Provide relevant pastoral resources for the ministerial community
  • Conduct webinars and seminars to train the trainers
  • Provide evangelistic initiatives and evangelism tools for soul winning
  • Conduct InMinistry classes in each Union for professional and education growth
  • Conduct division-wide pastor research
  • Conduct Ministerial Spouses initiatives
  • Collaborate with A.U.Theological Seminary for continued field relationship and resources 


  • Pastor’s DVD
  • Spouses Association Television Broadcast
  • Ministerial director’s Web site resources
  • Sacred Circle Initiative
  • Best Practices Newsletter
  • Say So Newsletter
  • What Pastors Are Saying Podcasts
  • How-To Podcasts*
  • Doctrinal Podcasts*
  • Smartphone Pastor’s App*
  • Monthly Webinars*
  • In-Ministry Program Graduate Theology Classes

*Planned Resources


  • Annual Ministerial Directors’ Symposium
  • Annual Pastor Advisory Council
  • Women Pastors’ Conference
  • Division-wide Ministerial Council
  • Reconnecting former and inactive members outreach seminars
  • Local elders’ seminars and training

Contact Us

(443) 391 7182
North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Ministerial Association
9705 Patuxent Woods Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1565, USA