Press Releases

Message Magazine Announces New Sabbath Worship/Vespers Experience

Nick Taliaferro Message podcast host

Message magazine announces the newest podcast in its expanding lineup. “The Rest of Your Story” features veteran Allegheny East Conference pastor and Philadelphia drive-time radio host Nick Taliaferro. A gifted speaker, singer, writer, interviewer, and community leader, Taliaferro works hard to bring listeners a sense of rest.

The 30-minute podcast explores the many facets of the human drive to achieve, acquire, and succeed. Taliaferro says this work — exhausting and never-ending — meets its relief only in the all-surrounding, penetrating rest that Jesus gives.

“Sometimes we can get trapped between immense gratefulness for all that God has given us, and an inner-longing of fulfillment that continues to escape us,” wrote one listener on Facebook, after episode 2 dropped. “It leaves us with tremendous guilt for feeling that way. It does make one ask, ‘Who are you?’”

Taliaferro designed this podcast to be a listener experience, crafted to put one in the space of peace. Listen with headphones on, mug in hand, settled in the recliner.  You can find and follow “The Rest of Your Story” and all Message podcasts on podbean, and at every Friday evening. There you will find a wealth of relevant, spiritual fare designed to be enjoyed and shared with friends and family.

Follow Message on Facebook and YouTube at messagemagazine; Twitter and Instagram @message1898.