Kimberly Luste Maran

Kimberly Luste Maran is an associate director for the North American Division Office of Communication. An award-winning writer, she is primarily responsible for editing Adventist Journey magazine and NAD NewsPoints, the weekly e-newsletter of the division. Kimberly also provides news and editorial direction at the division, as well as writing news and feature articles. She has been the point person for the 2017-18 division’s corporate website redesign.

Kimberly has conducted numerous writing and editing workshops for the NAD and international audiences, including the Society of Adventist Communicators (SAC) and the Adventist Ministries Convention. She has also been involved in several marketing/promotional campaigns for SAC, Sonscreen Film Festival, and the Facebook Live show Is This Thing On?

Before joining the NAD team in 2016, Kimberly was an assistant editor of the Adventist Review/Adventist World/KidsView for 16 years. Along with editing and writing, she served as one of several video reporters for Adventist Review/Adventist World. She also coordinated several magazine special issues and redesigns. She also served as the social media coordinator for Adventist Review and Adventist World.

Prior to this, Kimberly served for two years as managing editor for the Columbia Union Visitor. In addition to regular editing and planning duties, her responsibilities included designing items for publication in the Visitor and other union projects, and conducting writer workshops.

Kimberly has bachelor’s degrees in both English and Journalism from Washington Adventist University; she received her liberal arts master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University in 2004. Kimberly and her husband are raising three daughters. In regard to her work, Kimberly says, “God has richly blessed me and my goal is to serve Him in the field of communication to the best of my abilities.”

Kimberly Luste Maran

Kimberly Luste Maran

Associate Director
(443) 391 7150
9705 Patuxent Woods Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1565, USA